Smoker gets old fast in eerie Canadian spot

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Nele encontro um “outro lado da propaganda”.
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O “outro lado” são idéias – sérias, é bom que se diga – não tão convencionais para anunciar produtos, campanhas etc.
Algumas são engraçadas, outras absurdas, algumas mexem com nosso estômago, mas também é possível achar algo bem interessante em termos de técnica e mensagem.
Neste post, disponibilizo o link para um filme da Canadian Cancer Society sobre os males do fumo e também o post original do Adfreak sobre essa mesma campanha.

Smoker gets old fast in eerie Canadian spot

 DDB Toronto goes the horror-movie route with this anti-smoking spot for the Canadian Cancer Society, in which an attractive young woman takes a drag off a fag and instantly transforms into a haggard old goat. "Every cigarette you smoke can take years off your life," says the copy. The ad gets high marks for creepiness, though one could argue that a good way to keep from getting old and wrinkly is to smoke more, thus boosting your chances for an early exit, before those awkward elderly years hit. In fact, if smoking made people prematurely wrinkly, as opposed to prematurely dead, there'd be a lot fewer smokers around.

—Post original at Adfreak by Tim Nudd
February 17, 2010 in Anti-smoking, Canada, DDB, Freaky, Nudd | Permalink
Cesar Pazinatto
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