Bebidas energéticas e a saúde do jovem

São dois os abstracts de hoje.
O primeiro relaciona o consumo de bebidas energéticas com sintomas depressivos, uso de outras substâncias, "sensation seeking" entre adolescentes do 7, 9, 10 e 12º anos. O segundo indica o uso de bebidas cafeinadas como preditora do uso ilícito de medicamentos estimulantes.

 2014 Feb 4;62C:54-59. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.01.019. [Epub ahead of print]

An emerging adolescent health risk: Caffeinated energy drink consumption patterns among high school students.



To examine the prevalence, patterns, and correlates of energy drink use among adolescents, and determine whether more frequent use of energy drinks is associated with poorer health and behavioral outcomes.


Data were from a 2012 cross-sectional survey of 8210 students in grades 7, 9, 10 and 12 attending public schools in Atlantic Canada. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was used to examine correlates of energy drink use patterns, including substance use, sensation seeking, risk of depression, and socioeconomic status.


Nearly two-thirds of survey respondents (62%) reported consuming energy drinks at least once in the previous year, with about 20% reporting use once or more per month. Sensation seeking, depression, and substance use were all higher among energy drink users relative to non-users, and in higher frequency users relative to lower frequency users.


The prevalence of energy drink consumption among high school students was high. The association of energy drinks with other potential negative health and behavioral outcomes suggests that use of these products may represent a marker for other activities that may negatively affect adolescent development, health and well-being.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Caffeinated energy drinks, College students, Health risk, High school students, Mental health, Prevalence
[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

 2014;35(1):96-103. doi: 10.1080/08897077.2013.810561.

Frequency of energy drink use predicts illicit prescription stimulant use.


ABSTRACT. Background: The purpose of this study was to examine energy drink (ED) usage patterns and to investigate the illicit use of prescription stimulants among college students. Methods: A sample of 267 undergraduate and graduate students (mean age of 22.48 among stimulant users) from a large midwestern university and its branch campus locations voluntarily participated in the study. Results: Among prescription stimulant users without a valid medical prescription, Mann-Whitney U tests and logistic regression analysis revealed that the frequency of ED use was a significant predictor of the illicit use of prescription stimulants. Moreover, frequency of ED consumption was a significant predictor of the illicit use of prescription stimulant medications, with the odds for using increasing by .06 with each additional day of ED use past 0 day (odds for use = 1.06, P =.008). Conclusions: Results indicate that the frequency of ED use is a significant predictor of the illicit use of prescription stimulants. All prescription stimulant users with or without a valid script also used EDs. This finding is important to practitioners because of the harmful interactions (eg, serotonin syndrome) that can occur when ED ingredients (eg, ginseng, yohimbine, evodamine, etc) are mixed with prescription stimulants.
[PubMed - in process]
